It was my coworkers birthday last weekend and I can't go without making a special treat! The most wonderful treats are filled with amazing chocolatey flavor. Wanting to skip the extreme calorie laden sweets, I searched for a delicious alternative.
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon
These were a great hit and I was so excited!! They smell positively delicious and are a delicious chocolate flavor. DEFINITELY put these in the fridge!! I made the mistake of leaving them in the cupcake carrier and they got moldy. The Birthday Boy was about 2 days late and I was mortified when my boss picked up a moldy cupcake only 2 days later! That said, don't chance it, stick these in the fridge right away!!!
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon

You will need 2 full cups of strawberry puree. I used about 3.5-4 cups of frozen strawberries. I do not have a fantastic blender so this step took a while!! I used about 1/4-1/3 cup of water to puree the strawberries.

Mash a ripe banana with a fork in the bottom of the bowl. Crack one egg into the bowl with it.
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon

Add the strawberry puree to the egg and banana. Mix these wet ingredients well. I did not picture the water here but that should be included in this step!

*I did not pay attention to directions and forgot to mix wet ingredients first! They still turned out well but do not forget this step for a better consistency =)

After mixing the wet ingredients, pour in the oats, cinnamon, backing powder, and vanilla.
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon

Add cocoa powder, salt, and chocolate chips! Mix the dry ingredients with the wet ingredients well.
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon
My recipe made 24 cupcakes!! Pop them in the oven, they bake for a while - about 35-40 minutes!

I put some strawberry cream cheese on it and it is so good! I got this idea from the original recipe and it is delicious! They are yummy alone but the cream cheese really takes it to the next level.
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon

I revised this recipe from this website!

To the right is the nutrition information for my version:
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins

  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Mashed Banana
  • 2 Cups pureed strawberry
  • 1 1/2 cup water
  • 1 Tsp vanilla extract
  • 4 Cups rolled oats
  • 2 Teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1/2 Cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 2 Teaspoons baking powder
  • Tablespoon sugar (I used only 1 tablespoon but though the muffins could have been a little sweeter!)
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chips

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. Mix wet ingredients including fruit -- egg, banana, strawberry puree, water, and vanilla
  3. Add in dry ingredients -- oats, cinnamon, cocoa powder, baking powder, sugar, and chocolate chips
  4. Use cupcake liners for 24 cupcakes, distribute batter evenly
  5. Bake for 35-40 minutes. Store in the fridge and microwave for 30 seconds, enjoy!!!
I would like to start periodically writing reviews for websites, fitness gear, and phone apps.

My first review is completely biased, I have been using My Fitness Pal for several years now and I am in love with it! This is the perfect food and exercise tracker. Every upgrade seems to make this app even better and more user friendly!

I'll start with the online version, I don't use this much but it's a good back up. On the website you can create up to 6 meals to add your food intake throughout the day. You can also set nutrition, caloric, and exercise goals for yourself! The features are similar to the phone app but I find the phone app much more user friendly.

I really can't talk about how much I love the phone app! In a perfect world, I would want anything I eat at a restaurant to be uploaded into the app, but then again a lot of smaller restaurants do not post nutrition information.
The loading screen, so beautiful!
Side menu bar

I love the new loading screen, it makes me feel healthier just using the app!
The side menu is easy access to everything you need to do. It is easy to get to the diary, see weight loss progress and create new recipes.
Home screen with calorie/exercise listing and news feed
Diary page

You are brought to your home page automatically after the app loads. This page gives you a quick snapshot of how your day is so far. Here you can also see how friends are doing if they are using My Fitness Pal (add me @ smooshedstrawberry!!) This is fun because you can see when friends lose weight, are under calorie goals, and when the work out! It is great encouragement.
The main diary page starts out like this. Up top you can see your goal, how many calories you ate, how many you have left, if you are over, and exercise. When you add foods, you can see its nutritional value -> calories, carbs, fat, protein, sodium and more.
Add food
Add exercise

After you click the add food, you can choose which meal you want to add to. After clicking on the meal you want, My Fitness Pal remembers all recent and frequently used items for quicker logging. You can also use the barcode function at the bottom to scan your foods. This is a newer feature and I LOVE it!! It has a huge database and has so far found everything I have scanned into my diary.
Scroll down on the same page and you can add exercise and notes about the day. If I can't find the exact exercise I did during my work out, I pick the closest one and adjust the amount of calories I burned. Under the strength section, you can track how many reps you did at what weight to see progress!
Diary home page
Breakdown of nutrition percentages for the day

This is what your Diary looks like at the end of the day! You can easily delete things by choosing the edit function and selecting what you want to get rid of. When you are done logging, scroll to the bottom and click finish entry. This function will also tell you your projected weight in 5 weeks if you ate and exercised the same way every day.
The breakdown shows your percentage goals and what you actually ate that day. This is great if you are trying to watch fat, limit carbs, or eat protein!
App setting
Recipe edit/add page

Under the settings you can change and modify your goals. Here you can create new recipes. This is one of the only things I do not like about this app. You have to click through several screens to create a recipe, I just with it was on the side menu bar!
The recipe section allows you to store as many recipes as you want. Create them, delete them, modify, or just review them! When you are in your diary, there is a section just for your recipes for quick finding!
There are tons of other great apps out there but the most important thing is to find one that works for you!! I would rate this app 4.5 overall. It is visually please, easy to learn, easy to use, and developers are constantly striving to make it better.

Do you have a favorite app? Any apps or products you want to know more about?
My dad is a Marathon runner. About 2 years ago, I wanted to start running and surprise him with a 5K for his birthday! I had no idea what I was getting myself into. At that point, I was 30 something pounds heavier and I didn't exercise. In my mind I thought it would be easy peasy to start running and get down to and 8 minute mile in no time.

How wrong I was!!

Last night I was EXCITED to do my 3 miles in under 34 minutes. That makes me almost embarrassed to admit. After sharing my frustration, dad told me that any improvement in time is something to be proud of!

Unfortunately, my 5 day gap since my last run and my push to go fast left me feeling stiff and sore. My hip flexors have been achy and weak all morning and it is not fun. For anyone trying to run better, faster, and longer I caution you to be careful! I am lucky to not be injured but I wouldn't want anyone else to have to feel this sore all day =/
Now the fun stuff!!

I am trying to do better about planning meals throughout the week. This is very difficult for me as Daniel and I are both impulsive and extremely new to meal planning. It has been a big challenge but we are finding some super yummy ideas along the way!!

Before we moved in together, Daniel went to Costco and bought a ton of stuff for his last house. Needless to say, he had about a million boxed, canned, and frozen items left over We started out the year with what seemed like a hundred boxes of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. Normally, I could easily eat a half a box of prepared Kraft Mac and Cheese! I just can't get enough mac and cheese, but who can really? I decided if I was going to keep eating this I needed to figure out a way to make it healthier.
Sorry for all the blur! I am not great with pictures but will work on this as time goes on =)
This recipe is SUPER easy to make and can be used with any boxed (or homemade!) macaroni and cheese. I would not say this is the healthiest dish but it is a heck of a lot better than the original. With some creativity, I imagine you could make this even healthier! Once we run out of our Kraft Mac (we only have about 5 boxes left!) I will try this recipe with a different pasta that packs a little more nutrition. Maybe whole wheat and healthier cheese?

This version of Grown Up Mac and Cheese is really not nutritionally horrible. This recipe made 6 servings which I guesstimated in size. This is not the best method but I would say one serving is about 1 cup. Next time I make it I promise to measure it responsibly =)

I added 1/4 of an avocado on top of my bowl which was scrumptious! Get creative with toppings, Daniel added bacon to his ;) The avocado would add 63 calories, 3g carbs, 6g fat, and 1g protein.
Daniel's bacon version
Grown-Up Mac and Cheese

  • 1 box of macaroni and cheese, your choice (nutrition will vary)
  • 1 head of broccoli, about 2.5-3 cups chopped
  • 1 jalapeño
  • 1/2 onion

  1. Prepare macaroni and cheese according to the box
  2. While the macaroni is cooking, chop broccoli, onion, and jalapeño (I included the seeds because I love spicy!)
  3. Lightly coat a large skillet with olive oil or cooking spray. Add the broccoli to the skillet first
  4. Cook over medium heat for a couple minute, then add the onion and jalapeño
  5. Complete all steps for your macaroni, add vegetables to the pot and stir until completely incorporated
  6. Top with any additional toppings and enjoy!

I love this recipe because it makes me feel a lot better for eating macaroni and cheese! There is about 1 serving of vegetables in each portion. Use a smaller bowl, this portion may look a bit small to you but with all the delicious broccoli it should fill you up! Go slow and pair this was a sweet fruit dessert for a beautiful yummy meal.

I would love to hear what everyone thinks!! How did this turn out for you? Did you use a different type of boxed macaroni or different vegetables? Are there any recipe makeovers you'd like to see in the future?
This weekend was my grandmothers 90th birthday! It was great to see family and I got the exciting task to bake the cake!! I had lots of fun baking but I have a fair amount of trouble with the fudge icing. I would definitely say that while the recipe tastes super delicious it is probably does better with a one layer cake. The 3 layers in the caked cause the fudge to drape over the sides with difficulty. In the end, I had a pool of boiling hot fudge all around my cake platter! This is partly my fault since I was focused to much on an even pour on top that I wasn't even looking at the plate!!

This cake was to DIE for but I would not recommend it unless you have a big crowd to feed! You definitely do not want this lying around the house for grabs. I did not calculate the calories but I can only imagine what one slice would be...

The Cake Recipe is from Add a Pinch

The Fudge Icing Recipe is also from Add a Pinch

The Strawberry Cream Cheese Frosting Recipe was from Sally's Baking Addiction

Building My Plate

I can't tell you how many times a day I struggle with portions! Portions vary from product to product, restaurant to restaurant, and person to person. On top of everything small, medium, large, and party size exist! Bigger sizes cost only cents more and it only makes sense to get the bigger size right? Getting used to the enormous servings can skew the food you serve for yourself.
Choose My Plate is a phenomenal website with amazing resources. A balanced plate sets the right tone for healthy eating. Choose My Plate outlines healthy guidelines for well-rounded meals.
Half of your plate should consist of fruits and vegetables. The other half should consist of protein and grains. A great way to round out the meal is a serving of dairy. If you are having trouble with portion control, try these tips: use smaller dishes, take smaller portions first and get more if you are still hungry, pre-package your portions, and use the below visuals!


Portions vary from food to food; there are some general guidelines to help keep you on track.

Fruit: In general, one piece of medium or small fruit is one serving. ½ a cup of berries or melon is also a serving.

Vegetables: Leafy greens should equal one cup. Most other vegetables such as zucchini, broccoli, corn, carrots, and beans (legumes) are ½ a cup. I medium potato is a serving

Grains: are split into 2 categories of refined and whole grains. Some examples of portions include ½ cup brown rice; 1-cup whole-wheat cereal; 1 slice whole wheat bread; 1 8inch flour tortilla; and 1 cup of white rice.

Protein: Portions vary vastly on the type. Proteins include nuts, meat, eggs, beans, seafood and soy products. Portions range from 3oz chicken breast; 5oz beef steak strip; 8oz salmon; 2oz shrimp; 1oz nuts; to ½ cup beans.

Dairy: Example portions of dairy include 8oz of milk or yogurt; 1/3-cup cheddar cheese; 2 slices Swiss cheese; and ½ cup frozen yogurt.

Celery with Apricot Blue Cheese Spread
Here is a yummy snack idea from Choose My Plate!
Serves 4
  • 8 celery stalks
  • 2 tbs crumbled blue cheese
  • 3 tbs fat-free cream cheese
  • ½ cup fat-free plain yogurt
  • 4 dried apricots
  • 4 dried figs or dates
  • ¼ cup pecans

  1. Chop dried fruit and pecans
  2. Mix blue cheese, cream cheese, and yogurt until smooth
  3. Stir in chopped dried fruit and pecans
  4. Slice celery stalks into 3-4 inch sticks
  5. Fill celery with spread; refrigerate any leftovers
Thanks for stopping by today!! I hope that cake wasn't too terribly tempting =)

I'd love to hear any struggles, questions, tips, or comments for portion control! How do you keep your portions in check? What is the hardest part of keeping portions true to size?

Have a great week!
I am the head of the Biggest Loser competition at work! I will use this as a 2-in-1 to post information on my site. There will be lots of posts during this time since I already have all the information laid out. Feel free to join along at home and challenge yourself! Record your start weight, set goals, track progress, and work towards a healthier existence. The challenge lasts 12 weeks (but we started last week, oops!). Stay focused through the holidays by checking back often =D
Starting a diet plan

Deciding on a plan is one of the most important parts of maintaining a healthy lifestyle! You must first pick a strategy – cutting calories, adding more fruits and vegetables, increasing exercise, cutting out processed foods, etc...  or a combination. You may decide to start everything at once or gradually change habits over time. Writing out your strategy will ensure you stick to it! This will also help organize your thoughts and re-strategize as you find out what works best.

Setting Goals

Plan to make SMART goals:

Time sensitive


Specific goals include all the details – what, where, when, how, why.

Measurable ensure you can see progress – pounds lost, minutes exercised, servings of vegetables eaten, or # of days exercised.

Attainable goals should be realistic. You can dream big but ensure it’s something that you can achieve so you aren’t let down!

Relevant goals apply to this competition – weight lost and healthy lifestyles.

Times sensitive goals create a time limit for motivation and progression.

Create goals using these guidelines. You should set goals each week. Decide upon your final goal and then make small goals to help you get there!

Keep a journal, calendar, word document, note in your phone etc… with all of the information in this post! Track weight, exercise, feelings, goals, progress, challenges, successes and so much more! Writing things down allows you to take a step back and sort things out. Start one today!!

Tracking can be utilized in several different ways:

·      Food journals aid in weight loss and maintenance. They show you the good and bad, what works and what doesn’t work, habits, cravings, and calorie intake. I encourage you to start one today!

·      Weight tracking 1-2 times a week keeps you focused. Any more than this is not recommended because weight fluctuates from day to day.

·      Tracking exercise can help set goals. You can write down time, activities or weight lifted to see progression

·      Journaling cravings, feelings, thoughts, and ideas will help find overall patterns. This will serve to identify cravings, strategies, and problem areas.

Use these tools to start your diet plan! The best way to handle this is to write everything out and review it often. Your goals should always be chaining and morphing as you get better and learn what strategies work best.

Share your ideas, thoughts, and progress with me! What are some of the biggest challenges and how can you overcome them? What goals have you set to achieve over the month of November?

Have a great week!!!
When I am really focused on getting fast results, I try to transform my workouts to get the biggest bang for my buck!!

I devised this workout on my own pulling inspiration from my dance years, pinterest, and my trainer. This workout incorporates cardio and strength training in your entire body.

Watching Charmed on Netflix is my guilty pleasure! I am on Season 8 so I honestly have no idea what I am going to do once I reach the last episode. I call this my Double Charmed Workout because I try to get through it twice in one episode! I have more motivation and excitement on some days and there are times where I poop out after one round. I wont lie that the second reason I call this my Double Charmed Workout is because sometimes it take me two episodes to do the routine twice and stretch! Can I count that as more calories burned please?

The most important thing to do is go at your own pace! If you can't start with 100 Jumping Jacks and 30 calf raises then just do what you can. On the flip side, if this is too easy for you the first time than bump it up a few notches and add more reps to really challenge yourself.

For every single move you will note that I say to keep your abdominals engaged. My Ballet teacher used to tell us to "Kiss your belly button to your backbone." This is a great visual to help you suck in your gut so that you are actively engaging your abs throughout the entire routine. Periodically reminding yourself of this phrase will boost calories burned, build you 6-pack, and encourage posture!

Directly below is the basic workout. Keep scrolling to find pictures, descriptions, and tips for each exercise!

Jumping Jacks:

Keep you belly tight and abdominals engaged.
To maximize your Jack, focus on pushing off the ground hard with your toes so that they are fully pointed in the air when jumping out and back in. Make sure your knees bend liberally during each landing. Be especially careful to keep your toes over your knees when you land. By engaging your abdomen and squeezing your gluteus you can help to make sure you are not injured during this move.

Triceps Table Push-ups:
Position yourself with the heel of your hand on a desk or chair. Spread your feet wide and distance them several feet away from where your hands are.
While engaging your abdominal muscles, lower yourself down so that your elbows make a 90 degree angle. Concentrate on using your arm muscles not the muscles in your leg to push your self back up.
To up your toning, hold that last push-up for 10-30 seconds!

I usually do this above a low chair or couch to provide consistency. Engage your core and bend your knees to about 90 degrees. If you are using a chair, squat until your bottom is just barely touch the chair. Keep your hands on tour hip, held out to the sides, or hold weights to challenge your body even more.
To up your toning, hold that last squat for 10-30 seconds!

Calf Raises, Toes Forward:
Stand with your feet a few inches apart, toes facing forward. Raise up onto the balls of your feet and lower your self back down. Focus on balance -- engage your core and tuck in your rear to reduce wobbles. Keep your heels in line with your calf, be careful not to let your foot roll outwards or you may strain your ankle. Work towards creating slow and controlled movements. Do not let your heels cluck back down at the end of each rep, if you have that down then just let your heels gently touch the ground without putting any weight on them.
Keep your hands on tour hip, held out to the sides, or hold weights to challenge your body even more.
To up your toning, hold that last squat for 10-30 seconds!

Walking Squats:
Start with your hands on your hips, above your head, or holding weights. Take a large step forward, engaging core and being careful to keep your foot in line. Lunge forward so that your front leg is at a 90 degree angle keeping toes over your knees. Push off with your bag leg to take a step forward, repeating the motion on the other side. Repeat this until you have done 15 forward lunges with each leg. Focus on creating controlled and deliberate motions. As you lunge forward, use your quadriceps AND your glute muscles to help lower your body and raise back up.

Calf Raises, Toes Outward:
These are the same motion as the previous calf raises. To start, stand in your toes forward position. Shift your weight to your heels and squeeze your rear while moving out your toes to a comfortable position. Take caution to no "over turn out". This will put stress on your knees and cause injury. To ensure this doesn't happen, keep your glute muscles tight for the entire repetition. If you bend your knees, your toes should be directly under them with no discomfort. If this position is too difficult for you to hold, feel free to do more Toe Forward calf raises.

Clams: Quadruple Rotation:
This exercise consists of 4 different exercises on each side. This is the best name I could come up with!

Lie on your side with knees bent and hips stacked directly on top of each other. Keep your tummy tight for balance with your top hand in front of your body to help. This is your base for each of the four exercises.
Throughout all of these exercises focus on squeezing your glutes. Make sure to keep your hips and body as still as possible.

Clam 1: Lift your top leg straight up staying in line with the rest of your body. Slowly lower your leg back down in one fluid motion.
Clam 2: Keep your toes touching throughout this exercise, this position is most like a clam! Open your top knee pulling it as far back to the wall behind you as you can without compromising your form.
Clam 3: Raise your ankles several inches off of the ground, start with what is comfortable and push them higher to give your self more of a challenge. Repeat Clam 1 with your ankles off the floor.
Clam 4: Keep your ankles raised like in Clam 3. Repeat Clam 2 in this position.

Make sure to flip over and repeat this Quadruple Rotation on the other side!!!

Plank Hip Touches:
Get into the elbow plank position. Make sure your form is solid so you do not hurt your lower back.
Dip your right hip down to the floor (it does't have to make contact just dip until you can feel it!). Return back to plank and repeat on the other side. You can do this in a quick fluid motion just ensure that you level your hips out after each dip.

Start lying on your back. Place your hands interlocked behind your head and lift your shoulders and ankles off the floor. Bend your right knee and touch your left elbow to it keeping your left leg extended. Swiftly switch and repeat on the other side. Push yourself to do as many as possible to exhaust your abdominals.

This is probably my least favorite exercise. Ever. Start with your hands under your shoulders. Balance on your hands and toes with your legs extended straight back. I balance on my knees since I am still building strength =) Keep your tail tucked and belly button to your back bone to avoid lower back injury. Bend your arms, keeping your body in a straight line, as much as you can before returning to the starting position. 
Yes, that is supposed to be a push-up!
ENJOY this workout! I really love it and I hope that you can discover some new exercises!

What is your favorite exercise? Is there any "go to routine" that you feel gives you great results? Please feel free to share, I love feedback and ideas.

Today was a nice hot day here! I spent the day lounging at the pool. I can’t really tan but I am hoping to increase my freckles which is the equivalent of tanning for me. At the pool, I get to see a lot of different body types. Some of these people really inspire me and I always find that I gravitate towards those girls who look strong and healthy. There is nothing really that can help exude more self confidence than a strong girl that puts in hard work getting her body at the gym. I hope to be one of those girls one day!!

Strength Training

I used to be convinced that cardio was the only way to go. My opinion is that many people, mostly women, do not view strength training as a priority. For me, cardio was my go to at the gym because I wanted to get my heart rate up and look at the calories tick away – it was satisfying and rewarding when I left. The gym I joined last August gave me 3 free training sessions. The trainer they paired me up with was really absolutely wonderful! She talked to me about some of the benefits of gaining muscle mass and how it can really benefit my health and self image. Her strategy with me was to really relate building muscle to me. I want to take time to look at the facts on why strength training is so great for us!
Before I begin with science, I will share with you some key points she helped me with
  • More muscle mass helps you burn more calories throughout the day (which means you burn more calories even in your sleep!)
  • Defined back and pectoral muscles improve posture (which also makes you look thinner, and who doesn’t want that?)
  • Building muscle in your glutes gives you a great shaped rear
  • Our lower bodies consist of several huge muscle groups. Strengthening your lower body gives you a big bang for you buck – not to mention cardio sessions will become easier and you’ll look awesome in those stilettos ;)
Squats and calf raises can make walking in heels easier!
A huge huge HUGE benefit of strength training is maintenance of a healthy weight. As I stated earlier, higher amounts of muscle mass means your body is utilizing its food source more efficiently. Your BMR, basal metabolic rate, is higher with more muscle mass. Stored fat mass utilizes very few calories that we eat throughout the day. Comparatively, muscle is an active tissue that burns the calories we eat quicker than fat mass would!
  Strength training when you are younger will help preserve muscles as you age. Preserving lean muscle mass allows your body to run at high efficiency. Without pushing limits to utilize and build muscle mass, our bodies get rid of lean weight by turning it into fat mass – not so good!

Take caution as you lose weight. During weight loss, it is normal to lose some muscle mass, which is why strength training is so imperative.
I don't think he has heard of Isometric Strength Training...
You should allow your muscle groups to rest in between sessions. A great strength training session would entail you pushing yourself to finish 12 repetitions of one exercise. About 8-10 different exercised twice a week engaging multiple different muscle groups and an awesome goal to help you see results fast! My advice is to consult a personal trainer to help you determine a set of routines and safe weights to start with. After nailing down the basics, start to increase resistance to feel and see your results.
Follow the link for a great workout
Follow the ling for a great workout
Some less obvious benefits of strength training include better bone density, better sleep, increase mood, increased balance (can I mention stilettos again?!), diabetes management, and decreased risk of heart disease. Bone mass is an especially important issue for women! As women age, they can lose up to 1-2% of total bone mass every year.
With the right diet and exercise, you'll sleep as sound as this puppy =)
I hope this gave some good insight for the facts behind muscle! Get to work on building up that mass and by the next time I post you will burn more calories just by reading!

Warm weather is FINALLY here! Everyone knows that hot temperatures equals skinny clothes and skimpy bikinis! My drive to be fit and lost weight boosted when I realized I would need to go shorts and tank top shopping very soon.
This swim suit ready girl looks like she has abs for days!
I have kicked my diet back into gear and have done Medifast for about 5 weeks. I did the very strict version but now I am slowly increasing calories to prepare for my New Orleans trip. Yahoooo!! After the Holidays, my weight crept up about 9 pounds (YIKES) from where I was in December. Not good. I needed to start getting my life together again. I could feel the difference in my body and it made me grumpy and unhappy. I have absolutely no idea why it took me so long to realize that I was slowly by surely creeping back up to my start weight. A few more months and I would have been back where I started TWO YEARS ago!!!

As Michelle from Full house would say, I thought "No way Jose!"
As soon as I made my decision I was ready to go. However, I hit TONS of road blocks along the way! Dinners out, movies, people asking me to go to ice cream, the lure of the couch, and the list goes on. I needed to find my inner inspiration and make this happen. A huge part in my motivation to lose weight is my big upcoming trip to New Orleans!!!
During my diet, I consistently think about how good it would feel to go to New Orleans as a lighter and healthier version of myself. Superficially, I would feel better about myself, fit into clothes better, and take better pictures. On the flip side, losing weight will keep me focused on health throughout my trip. I just lost all this weight, do I really need another scoop of ice cream to risk losing all my hard work when I step back on the scale at home? There is a ton of walking to do there, getting fit now will help me have more energy and allow my to keep up with my boyfriend! I value both the superficial reasons and health-focused reasons to be fit. I love putting on an outfit that I think I actually look good it; but I also love to walk all day without feeling out of breath or incredibly sore the next day! The point is I had to find my own inspiration to do better for myself. That is different for everyone and sometimes really takes a lot of thinking.

Find Your Fitspiration!

Inspiration and Motivation go hand-in-hand. You must find inspiration that motivates you to push forward. From your motivation, you should be inspired to keep going!

I definitely recommend making a list and using that to move forward. Start by organizing your thoughts about your health goals. Use this list to more clearly define what you are working towards. Be sure to include both short term and long term goals. These goals should, surprise surprise, motivate and inspire you!

Inspiration should be unique to you. I will always recommend that you pick positive elements to provide you base motivation. However, I must admit that I do draw some of my motivation on aspects of my self that I do not like. If you are like me, maybe you don't like the flab in your arms or the undefined tone of your thighs, try to focus on your positive goals. Turn those negative thoughts into something that boosts you up! Instead of thinking "I hate the bulge of my stomach" to motivate you at the gym, try "My next goal is to get to size X pants". While the goals is essentially the same the latter is specific, positive, and has a clear fix -- diet and exercise!
Here is an example of my inspirational goals!:
  • Gain muscle mass -> slim my thighs and tone my abdominals
  • Improve heart health through cardio
  • Look and feel great in clothes
  • Be more confident in public
  • Incorporate more fruits and vegetables in my diet
  • Decrease intake of empty calories
  • Be able to run a 5K
  • Get into the 140 pound rage
  • Fit into a size 10 or smaller
  • Learn how to cook healthy and nutritious meals and snacks
Take some time to create your own list! It can be ANYTHING you want. The list above is a smaller targeted sample, I have a longer list that outlines every little thing that I want from better health and healthier weight. No one has to see your list unless you want them too. Every so often I get out my crafting supplies and create a health motivational board. In the past this has meant colorful paper, markers, and lots of phrases, words, and ideas. I am working on a motivational inspiration board that includes pictures, tips, magazine clips, quotes, stickers, ribbons, glitter, and more to really help keep my moral up! The point of this mental exercise is to use things that will make you want to pursue health every day.

I hope this helped and stay tuned! Have a great last week of June =)



SO unfortunately I have lost about 2 weeks of steam! I haven't even updated the blog since the 18th of last month and I have absolutely no excuse!
Here is some visual motivation! Something to strive for and some nice eye candy on the bottom right ;)
I only have 2 posts so I am pretty sure I have no followers, but I still feel the need to apologize, mostly to the universe, for giving up on myself and on everyone out there. I started this blog with hopes of firstly keeping myself motivated and informed about nutritional and health topics. My dreams were that somewhere along the way, I would touch a few other people’s lives. I am NOT perfect so just like my health, I believe that this will be a long journey! However, I am committed to trying and I hope that as I move forward I will get better and better at writing and updating! For anyone who is out there – please bear with me as I struggle to keep moving. Lets keep each other motivated and focused =)
As I try to continue to stay focused on my blog and my health, I am also trying to find a good way to format my posts. Something I want to provide for any readers, followers, and those who only stop by once, is real facts to back up any tips, tricks, and thoughts. Please be patient with me as I try to find a way to effectively relay information!

What Motivates You To Be Healthy?

Today I would like to talk about MOTIVATION since I have so obviously lacked it for these past two weeks!

This post is focuses on getting you thinking about change and motivation for yourself.
A huge hurtle in almost everyone’s journey is to find the power to get going and keep going. Motivation is part of changing behavior. Motivation is both conscious and subconscious thoughts that leads to a decision to change. The key is to find something that drives you forward and gives you something to work towards. You may feel like you bounce back and forth between knowing that you WANT to change but not believing that you CAN change (just FYI you CAN do it!!!!!), and knowing that you CAN change but not being sure if you really WANT to due to time, energy, effort, and a million other reasons. These tips should help you out.
Everyone needs to find his or her own motivation and drive. My motivation has developed into many elements, all working towards the same goal. Having lost weight in the recent past, I often focus on how I do NOT want to end up at that weight/state of health again. I use what I felt in the past and what I feel on my bad days, whatever it may be (guilt, queasiness, sluggishness, laziness, disappointment, embarrassment, etc.…), to refocus and move forward. I use motivational pictures, websites, and blogs to keep in mind what I want (healthier body weight, less body fat, more muscle/strength). I also strive to have better nutritional health. Small daily and weekly goals keep me focused on what is actually going into my body.

What I suggest is to sit down and brainstorm! Write down everything you want, everything you don’t want, everything you think, everything you feel, and really just everything related to your health journey! Sometimes I will create motivational boards to keep me going. This includes everything I listed above plus pictures, exercises, quotes, and tips that I can look at every day and draw strength from. The more you think, the more defined your motivation will become =)

Now A Little Bit About Behavior Change!

There are several theories of behavior change. I won’t get into them but you can feel free to read about a short summary here or a more in depth description here (ok so I know Wikipedia is not exactly a credible source, but I looked it over and the information is correct (for the most part) and has some great links. Anyways you get the point!)

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute suggest setting goals to help achieve and maintain motivation. Setting specific, attainable, and time specific goals will help lead to many small successes on your journey which (surprise, surprise) will keep you MOTIVATED! It is important to reward your many successes with things that will NOT compromise your growing health. That means no food rewards! I would caution against healthy food rewards also because it is easy to slip back into (or create a new) bad behaviors associated with unhealthy food rewards. Try a new book, movie, pair of shoes, sports bra, massage, at home spa day, relaxation day or anything else that will make you happy.

Stanford University also examines positive behavior change. Our surrounding environment shapes, creates, and encourages our behaviors. Recognizing and outlining triggers in everyday life that lead to unhealthy habits will help you set small goals to overcome them and learn new ways to cope. This website by BJ Fogg has a TON of great resources and really great information
In my opinion, the most important part is to constantly refocus and reevaluate. Your goals should always be changing, morphing, and expanding to accommodate your ever-evolving behaviors and goals. Don’t give up on your goals but DO continue to push yourself! If your goal for the past 2 weeks was to eat 2 servings of veggies every day, maybe your goal for week 3 is to make sure that on at least one day you eat 3 servings of veggies! It may seem tiny, even insignificant, but these small changes will add up to huge amazing things in your future!!

As always I hope that this has helped! Please share with me any thoughts, feelings, frustrations, and emotions you are having. Stay MOTIVATED this week!!!
Hello everyone!

This is my first blog post ever so it may take me some time to get used to blogging.

As the rest of my website stated, I am here to get fit and healthy. I am on a quest to find what is right for my body and what works for me. Recently I have slipped a little and I am in need of some re-motivation! The weekends are always the hardest time for me to keep my focus. This week, I am dedicated to trying to find solutions to help me survive the Friday night to Sunday night hurtle that may undo all of the hard work I put in on the weekdays.

When given the choice of a nice lazy day at home reading, watching movies, going on pinterest, and baking or bundling up to fight the cold on the way to the gym, the choice is always easy. These winter weekends make me want to stay home and eat things like those scrumptious cupcakes pictured above! It is helpful for me to browse health and fitness websites. Seeing images of strength, motivation, health, and determination encourage me to achieve some of those attributes on my lazy weekend. The bottom picture from Shape magazine helps me to gain the inner strength to get moving and stay focused on health (picture from:

Evening out my exercise and calorie intake on the weekend helps me to maintain my weight and motivation. Switching from my Monday to Friday healthy foods and 1-2 hours of exercise a day to my Saturday to Sunday high calorie and low exercise routine creates a roller coaster gone wrong for my body. I am intentionally adding stress and inconsistency to my life that creates even more challenges for my body to process calories effectively. I am sure others can understand the devastation of 1 or 2 bad days. Your body doesn't feel as great, the scale may move up several pounds, and your emotions drop. Depending on the week, this can either motivate you to do better, or discourage you to not care.

The scale has been yo-yoing each weekend for the past 3 weeks or so and I am ready for it to stop. I have actually put on a few pounds due to the radical calorie changes (both what I take in and what I exercise out) from day to day. I can't change the fact that I didn't go to the gym yesterday, but today might be a silver lining. With plenty of time left for the gym, I plan to get a good work out in and to do some brainstorming on how to keep my dedication up come next Friday night!

Stay focused,

What I WANT to do:
What I NEED to do: