Hello everyone!

This is my first blog post ever so it may take me some time to get used to blogging.

As the rest of my website stated, I am here to get fit and healthy. I am on a quest to find what is right for my body and what works for me. Recently I have slipped a little and I am in need of some re-motivation! The weekends are always the hardest time for me to keep my focus. This week, I am dedicated to trying to find solutions to help me survive the Friday night to Sunday night hurtle that may undo all of the hard work I put in on the weekdays.

When given the choice of a nice lazy day at home reading, watching movies, going on pinterest, and baking or bundling up to fight the cold on the way to the gym, the choice is always easy. These winter weekends make me want to stay home and eat things like those scrumptious cupcakes pictured above! It is helpful for me to browse health and fitness websites. Seeing images of strength, motivation, health, and determination encourage me to achieve some of those attributes on my lazy weekend. The bottom picture from Shape magazine helps me to gain the inner strength to get moving and stay focused on health (picture from: http://www.shape.com/fitness/workouts/top-10-yoga-poses-increase-metabolism?page=5)

Evening out my exercise and calorie intake on the weekend helps me to maintain my weight and motivation. Switching from my Monday to Friday healthy foods and 1-2 hours of exercise a day to my Saturday to Sunday high calorie and low exercise routine creates a roller coaster gone wrong for my body. I am intentionally adding stress and inconsistency to my life that creates even more challenges for my body to process calories effectively. I am sure others can understand the devastation of 1 or 2 bad days. Your body doesn't feel as great, the scale may move up several pounds, and your emotions drop. Depending on the week, this can either motivate you to do better, or discourage you to not care.

The scale has been yo-yoing each weekend for the past 3 weeks or so and I am ready for it to stop. I have actually put on a few pounds due to the radical calorie changes (both what I take in and what I exercise out) from day to day. I can't change the fact that I didn't go to the gym yesterday, but today might be a silver lining. With plenty of time left for the gym, I plan to get a good work out in and to do some brainstorming on how to keep my dedication up come next Friday night!

Stay focused,

What I WANT to do:
What I NEED to do:
12/1/2013 08:34:57 am

I'm facing the same challenge. I weigh in on Saturday morning, but poor eating choices cause weekend weight gain. then it takes me a week of hard work to get it off.

I think I need to find some non-food ways to celebrate a week of hard work and enjoy the weekend.

Any ideas?


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