It was my coworkers birthday last weekend and I can't go without making a special treat! The most wonderful treats are filled with amazing chocolatey flavor. Wanting to skip the extreme calorie laden sweets, I searched for a delicious alternative.
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon
These were a great hit and I was so excited!! They smell positively delicious and are a delicious chocolate flavor. DEFINITELY put these in the fridge!! I made the mistake of leaving them in the cupcake carrier and they got moldy. The Birthday Boy was about 2 days late and I was mortified when my boss picked up a moldy cupcake only 2 days later! That said, don't chance it, stick these in the fridge right away!!!
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon

You will need 2 full cups of strawberry puree. I used about 3.5-4 cups of frozen strawberries. I do not have a fantastic blender so this step took a while!! I used about 1/4-1/3 cup of water to puree the strawberries.

Mash a ripe banana with a fork in the bottom of the bowl. Crack one egg into the bowl with it.
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon

Add the strawberry puree to the egg and banana. Mix these wet ingredients well. I did not picture the water here but that should be included in this step!

*I did not pay attention to directions and forgot to mix wet ingredients first! They still turned out well but do not forget this step for a better consistency =)

After mixing the wet ingredients, pour in the oats, cinnamon, backing powder, and vanilla.
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon

Add cocoa powder, salt, and chocolate chips! Mix the dry ingredients with the wet ingredients well.
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon
My recipe made 24 cupcakes!! Pop them in the oven, they bake for a while - about 35-40 minutes!

I put some strawberry cream cheese on it and it is so good! I got this idea from the original recipe and it is delicious! They are yummy alone but the cream cheese really takes it to the next level.
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon

I revised this recipe from this website!

To the right is the nutrition information for my version:
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins

  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Mashed Banana
  • 2 Cups pureed strawberry
  • 1 1/2 cup water
  • 1 Tsp vanilla extract
  • 4 Cups rolled oats
  • 2 Teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1/2 Cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 2 Teaspoons baking powder
  • Tablespoon sugar (I used only 1 tablespoon but though the muffins could have been a little sweeter!)
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chips

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. Mix wet ingredients including fruit -- egg, banana, strawberry puree, water, and vanilla
  3. Add in dry ingredients -- oats, cinnamon, cocoa powder, baking powder, sugar, and chocolate chips
  4. Use cupcake liners for 24 cupcakes, distribute batter evenly
  5. Bake for 35-40 minutes. Store in the fridge and microwave for 30 seconds, enjoy!!!
My dad is a Marathon runner. About 2 years ago, I wanted to start running and surprise him with a 5K for his birthday! I had no idea what I was getting myself into. At that point, I was 30 something pounds heavier and I didn't exercise. In my mind I thought it would be easy peasy to start running and get down to and 8 minute mile in no time.

How wrong I was!!

Last night I was EXCITED to do my 3 miles in under 34 minutes. That makes me almost embarrassed to admit. After sharing my frustration, dad told me that any improvement in time is something to be proud of!

Unfortunately, my 5 day gap since my last run and my push to go fast left me feeling stiff and sore. My hip flexors have been achy and weak all morning and it is not fun. For anyone trying to run better, faster, and longer I caution you to be careful! I am lucky to not be injured but I wouldn't want anyone else to have to feel this sore all day =/
Now the fun stuff!!

I am trying to do better about planning meals throughout the week. This is very difficult for me as Daniel and I are both impulsive and extremely new to meal planning. It has been a big challenge but we are finding some super yummy ideas along the way!!

Before we moved in together, Daniel went to Costco and bought a ton of stuff for his last house. Needless to say, he had about a million boxed, canned, and frozen items left over We started out the year with what seemed like a hundred boxes of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. Normally, I could easily eat a half a box of prepared Kraft Mac and Cheese! I just can't get enough mac and cheese, but who can really? I decided if I was going to keep eating this I needed to figure out a way to make it healthier.
Sorry for all the blur! I am not great with pictures but will work on this as time goes on =)
This recipe is SUPER easy to make and can be used with any boxed (or homemade!) macaroni and cheese. I would not say this is the healthiest dish but it is a heck of a lot better than the original. With some creativity, I imagine you could make this even healthier! Once we run out of our Kraft Mac (we only have about 5 boxes left!) I will try this recipe with a different pasta that packs a little more nutrition. Maybe whole wheat and healthier cheese?

This version of Grown Up Mac and Cheese is really not nutritionally horrible. This recipe made 6 servings which I guesstimated in size. This is not the best method but I would say one serving is about 1 cup. Next time I make it I promise to measure it responsibly =)

I added 1/4 of an avocado on top of my bowl which was scrumptious! Get creative with toppings, Daniel added bacon to his ;) The avocado would add 63 calories, 3g carbs, 6g fat, and 1g protein.
Daniel's bacon version
Grown-Up Mac and Cheese

  • 1 box of macaroni and cheese, your choice (nutrition will vary)
  • 1 head of broccoli, about 2.5-3 cups chopped
  • 1 jalapeño
  • 1/2 onion

  1. Prepare macaroni and cheese according to the box
  2. While the macaroni is cooking, chop broccoli, onion, and jalapeño (I included the seeds because I love spicy!)
  3. Lightly coat a large skillet with olive oil or cooking spray. Add the broccoli to the skillet first
  4. Cook over medium heat for a couple minute, then add the onion and jalapeño
  5. Complete all steps for your macaroni, add vegetables to the pot and stir until completely incorporated
  6. Top with any additional toppings and enjoy!

I love this recipe because it makes me feel a lot better for eating macaroni and cheese! There is about 1 serving of vegetables in each portion. Use a smaller bowl, this portion may look a bit small to you but with all the delicious broccoli it should fill you up! Go slow and pair this was a sweet fruit dessert for a beautiful yummy meal.

I would love to hear what everyone thinks!! How did this turn out for you? Did you use a different type of boxed macaroni or different vegetables? Are there any recipe makeovers you'd like to see in the future?
This chicken recipe is crazy delicious and ridiculously easy!!!! You MUST have a crock pot. They are the best things on the planet. I discovered mine recently and it is amazing. Crock pots help you crew cheap, easy, delicious meals that will last for many leftover meals.

I found this recipe on Pinerest but the link is dead so I don't know who to credit. TRUST me that you have to give this a shot!! Here is my take on it!

Crock Pot Salsa Chicken

  • 6 Boneless, skinless chicken breast
  • 1 envelope taco seasoning
  • 1 jar of salsa (homemade recipe below!!)

  1. Place chicken breast into crock pot
  2. Pour salsa and taco seasoning on and give it a stir
  3. Cook on low for 6-8 hours. About 1 hour before the chicken is done, use 2 forks to shred the chicken. It will come apart easily but you will have to dig deep in the pot to get all the big chunks
  4. let cook another 30-60 mins on low for chicken to keep absorbing flavor
  5. Serve with low calorie/carb taco shells, on a bed of lettuce, in a lettuce wrap, with beans and brown rice, and so many more options!

Salsa Del Mason

I call this Salsa Del Mason because you need to store it in mason jars since it makes so much! Like the chicken recipe above this salsa is stupid easy to make. It is amazingly delicious, super customizable and will last forever! The first time me and my boyfriend made it, the salsa actually disappeared really quickly but TECHNICALLY it should last!! 1 mason jar of this salsa will be PLENTY for the crock pot recipe above. I have never made the chicken with this salsa recipe and I think 1 mason jar may actually be a little too much. If you try these recipes together let me know!!
***NOTE: This recipe gets hotter the longer it stays in the fridge! I was shocked after I made my second batch. We went through it a lot slower and the heat took me completely by surprise when I started the second mason jar. Still delicious but it should be noted!***
  • 1 28oz can whole tomatoes
  • 2 10oz cans Rotel - diced tomatoes with green chilies
  • 1/2 onion roughly chopped
  • Garlic to taste (we used the jarred kind and I throw a big spoonful into each half! I would probably end up using about 2 cloves garlic otherwise)
  • 2 Jalapeños with seeds
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin
  • Cilantro to taste - I rip up a small handful of the leaves for each half
  • Juice of 1 lime

  1. This salsa needs to be made in 2 batches if you have a regular sized blender
  2. Put 1/2 portion of all ingredients into blend and blend until desired consistency is reached
  3. I only blend for a few seconds, I like the salsa not too soupy but not super chunky!
  4. Pour into mason jar or other container and repeat with remaining ingredients!
  5. Refrigerate before serving for about an hour
I got this recipe for Serving Up Southern!
I hope you enjoyed the recipes today!! Do you have any favorite crock pot recipes?
I am telling the truth when I say that I basically only drink water, coffee and alcohol. While water and coffee do not pack a big calorie punch, alcohol is where my dieting fails.

Alcohol is made from carbohydrates – wheat, potatoes, etc. While carbohydrates equate to less calories than fat per gram, it is still difficult to enjoy a drink without ruining your entire day of hard work.

The fourth of July is tomorrow (yay!) and it is hot and humid outside! I had a great week diet wise and didn’t want to ruin all of my progress with a calorie laden margarita that I would purchase at a restaurant. This recipe is a wonderful alternative for those of us who like frozen drinks. Most of the calories in this drink are from the alcohol. I do add sugar and a lemonade which contribute but it is difficult to get around that! This Margarita also utilizes real fruit which ensure that you are not just drinking artificial flavoring but real yummy goodness!

I have listed some substitutions at the bottom as well. Please enjoy and let me know if you have any low calorie drink ideas!!

Get your blender ready!

First at 1 cup frozen strawberries

1/4 Cup Trop50 Lemonade

I hear there is a 5 calorie Lemonade out there, does anyone know what its called?

1/4 Cup Water

You can do less, but more water gives this drink some extra volume which allows me a longer enjoyment!

2 ounces of Tequila

I used Jose Cuervo Silver
Blend all ingredients together. I used the "Ice Crush" setting for about 30 seconds.

After your ingredients are blended well, blend in 1 cup of ice to give your drink a frosty frozen taste!
After the ice is well incorporated and your Margarita is nice and frosty, add 2 teaspoons sugar. Blend about 30-60 seconds, or until sugar is incorporated throughout the whole drink.

This recipe makes 2 Strawberry Margaritas!

See Nutrition Info and modifications below!

Strawberry Margarita's

  • 1 cup Frozen Strawberries
  • 1/4 cup Trop50 Lemonade (or other low calorie drink)
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 2 ounces Tequila
  • 1 cup ice
  • 2 teaspoons Sugar
  1. Combine strawberries, lemonade, water and tequila in blender
  2. Use "Ice Crush" or similar setting for about 1 minute until frozen strawberries are well blended
  3. Add ice and blend again for 30-60 seconds
  4. Taste the Margarita, if desired, add 2 teaspoons of sugar to sweeten the drink
This recipe yields 2 Strawberry Margarita drinks at 115 calories each.


Nutrition Information

Strawberry Margarita's:
Servings: 2
Calories Per Serving: 115
Total Fat: 0
Sodium: 2.1mg
Potassium: 100mg
Total Carbohydrates: 13g
Dietary Fiber: 1g
Sugars: 10g
Protein: 0.5g
Vitamin C: 57.5%
Calcium: 1.1%
Iron: 2%

  • I add sugar because I have a huge sweet tooth and my drink was not sweet enough otherwise. Try the Margarita without the sugar first, if you like the taste, then skip the sugar and save 15 calories per serving!

  • Use Watermelon instead of strawberries! This is mostly for a new flavor but will save a few calories and carbs.

  • You can switch out the juice for any low calorie beverage. I have not tried this version, but you could try mixing a zero calorie flavored water to your drink for the same effect.

  • Decrease alcohol content for fewer calories per drink. OR increase alcohol content for a stronger cocktail.
I would love to hear your low calorie drink recipes! Please share, comment, or request more ides below!

Thanks for stopping by =)
