Hi everyone!!

Sorry it has been a few weeks since the last post, my trip in New Orleans was FABULOUS!!

The food was phenomenal and my saving grace was all the walking we did! I have to admit that I was off track and I did not visit the free gym at our hotel once. Yes, I did bring my workout clothes but unfortunately I did not utilize them at all =/

I got this meal at an AMAZING restaurant in the Garden District. I did not get a picture of the salad but it was absolutely delicious and had a wonderful vinaigrette dressing. The picture is of a Crab Stuffed Avocado and it was absolutely divine!

I couldn't wait to start eating so there are a few bites missing!
Once I get more pictures uploaded I will try and put up some fun ones for everyone to see. There was tons of seafood, lots of history, crazy intense heat, millions of souvenir shops, and a plethora of tempting daiquiri drinks! My boyfriend and I had a great time, but money seemed to disappear from our wallets (from buying stuff not getting pick pocketed ;)!!)while the pounds appeared around out bellies.

I have a TON of ideas for blog posts but absolutely none of them are ready! In the mean time, I wanted to get something up here to provide some summer inspiration!
Before I begin, her is an adorable picture of my baby girl Mimsy. She seemed to grow about 10 pounds when we saw her back at home!

Perfect Portions

Cooking can be lots of fun but sometimes I am just not in the mood to spend more than 20 minutes in the kitchen. I am always looking out for healthy short cuts. This makes it easier for me to stay on track.

My mom told me about Perdue Perfect Portions a few months ago and I have been crazy about them ever since. They are packaged individually. There are regular unseasoned, Italian, and Jamaican Jerk -- my favorite! Whenever I reheat them at work people always ask me how I made it, I almost want to take credit and say it's a homemade recipe but I don't want to hide this wonderful find!
These range from 120-140 calories per serving and are just under 5 ounces each. This is a PERFECT protein for lunch or dinner! In general, protein portions should be around 4-6 ounces depending, of course, on the individual.

I use this in one of my favorite quick meals. It takes only about 20-30 minutes total to prepare. The chicken breast can be cooked in a skillet with a little bit of olive oil for about 15-20 minutes. I also chop up a cup of broccoli and steam it until it is tender. While thats going I make my salad with 2 cups of organic spring mix and some and some Light Buffalo Ranch Dressing. I am also obsessed with the dressing! It is not a nutritionally great dressing choice but I still love it, it is creamy with a great kick! To help keep my use of it to a minimum, I measure out the portion into a small bowl and use it to dip my broccoli and salad instead of pouring it straight form the bottle.

I do not have pictures... Sorry!!! But here are the ingredients I used:

1 Portion Italian Style Boneless Skinless Perdue Perfect Portions Chicken Breast
3 tablespoons Wish Bone Light Buffalo Ranch Dressing (1.5 servings)
1 cup Steamed Broccoli (I cut most of the stem off, I just like the fluffy tree top part!)
2 cups Natures Promise Organic Baby Romaine (I also use Organic Spring Mix by the same company. Spinach is also a great option and give you some more fiber!)

Nutrition for the Meal:

Calories: 310
Total Fat: 10g
        Saturated Fat: 2g

        Polyunsaturated Fat: 5g
        Monounsaturated Fat: 2g
Cholesterol: 75mg
Sodium: 875mg
Potassium: 210mg
Total Carbohydrates: 19g
        Fiber: 7g
        Sugars: 8g
Protein: 36g

This is a great filling meal. It has 3 servings of vegetables and one serving of protein. If you are still hungry try adding a serving of fruit, whole grain, or dairy. These three options will add between 50-150 calories. Some fruits are on the low calorie end and some whole grains can be on the higher end. Whatever option you choose, it is still a wonderful nutritious meal! There are plenty of lower calorie and lower fat dressings out there, try one of those to make this meal even better for you. 

I would love to see some of your easy meals! Are there any go to products, fast nutritious foods, or quick meals that you love?

Hope you enjoyed the post and look out for more to come soon!!!

When I am really focused on getting fast results, I try to transform my workouts to get the biggest bang for my buck!!

I devised this workout on my own pulling inspiration from my dance years, pinterest, and my trainer. This workout incorporates cardio and strength training in your entire body.

Watching Charmed on Netflix is my guilty pleasure! I am on Season 8 so I honestly have no idea what I am going to do once I reach the last episode. I call this my Double Charmed Workout because I try to get through it twice in one episode! I have more motivation and excitement on some days and there are times where I poop out after one round. I wont lie that the second reason I call this my Double Charmed Workout is because sometimes it take me two episodes to do the routine twice and stretch! Can I count that as more calories burned please?

The most important thing to do is go at your own pace! If you can't start with 100 Jumping Jacks and 30 calf raises then just do what you can. On the flip side, if this is too easy for you the first time than bump it up a few notches and add more reps to really challenge yourself.

For every single move you will note that I say to keep your abdominals engaged. My Ballet teacher used to tell us to "Kiss your belly button to your backbone." This is a great visual to help you suck in your gut so that you are actively engaging your abs throughout the entire routine. Periodically reminding yourself of this phrase will boost calories burned, build you 6-pack, and encourage posture!

Directly below is the basic workout. Keep scrolling to find pictures, descriptions, and tips for each exercise!

Jumping Jacks:

Keep you belly tight and abdominals engaged.
To maximize your Jack, focus on pushing off the ground hard with your toes so that they are fully pointed in the air when jumping out and back in. Make sure your knees bend liberally during each landing. Be especially careful to keep your toes over your knees when you land. By engaging your abdomen and squeezing your gluteus you can help to make sure you are not injured during this move.

Triceps Table Push-ups:
Position yourself with the heel of your hand on a desk or chair. Spread your feet wide and distance them several feet away from where your hands are.
While engaging your abdominal muscles, lower yourself down so that your elbows make a 90 degree angle. Concentrate on using your arm muscles not the muscles in your leg to push your self back up.
To up your toning, hold that last push-up for 10-30 seconds!

I usually do this above a low chair or couch to provide consistency. Engage your core and bend your knees to about 90 degrees. If you are using a chair, squat until your bottom is just barely touch the chair. Keep your hands on tour hip, held out to the sides, or hold weights to challenge your body even more.
To up your toning, hold that last squat for 10-30 seconds!

Calf Raises, Toes Forward:
Stand with your feet a few inches apart, toes facing forward. Raise up onto the balls of your feet and lower your self back down. Focus on balance -- engage your core and tuck in your rear to reduce wobbles. Keep your heels in line with your calf, be careful not to let your foot roll outwards or you may strain your ankle. Work towards creating slow and controlled movements. Do not let your heels cluck back down at the end of each rep, if you have that down then just let your heels gently touch the ground without putting any weight on them.
Keep your hands on tour hip, held out to the sides, or hold weights to challenge your body even more.
To up your toning, hold that last squat for 10-30 seconds!

Walking Squats:
Start with your hands on your hips, above your head, or holding weights. Take a large step forward, engaging core and being careful to keep your foot in line. Lunge forward so that your front leg is at a 90 degree angle keeping toes over your knees. Push off with your bag leg to take a step forward, repeating the motion on the other side. Repeat this until you have done 15 forward lunges with each leg. Focus on creating controlled and deliberate motions. As you lunge forward, use your quadriceps AND your glute muscles to help lower your body and raise back up.

Calf Raises, Toes Outward:
These are the same motion as the previous calf raises. To start, stand in your toes forward position. Shift your weight to your heels and squeeze your rear while moving out your toes to a comfortable position. Take caution to no "over turn out". This will put stress on your knees and cause injury. To ensure this doesn't happen, keep your glute muscles tight for the entire repetition. If you bend your knees, your toes should be directly under them with no discomfort. If this position is too difficult for you to hold, feel free to do more Toe Forward calf raises.

Clams: Quadruple Rotation:
This exercise consists of 4 different exercises on each side. This is the best name I could come up with!

Lie on your side with knees bent and hips stacked directly on top of each other. Keep your tummy tight for balance with your top hand in front of your body to help. This is your base for each of the four exercises.
Throughout all of these exercises focus on squeezing your glutes. Make sure to keep your hips and body as still as possible.

Clam 1: Lift your top leg straight up staying in line with the rest of your body. Slowly lower your leg back down in one fluid motion.
Clam 2: Keep your toes touching throughout this exercise, this position is most like a clam! Open your top knee pulling it as far back to the wall behind you as you can without compromising your form.
Clam 3: Raise your ankles several inches off of the ground, start with what is comfortable and push them higher to give your self more of a challenge. Repeat Clam 1 with your ankles off the floor.
Clam 4: Keep your ankles raised like in Clam 3. Repeat Clam 2 in this position.

Make sure to flip over and repeat this Quadruple Rotation on the other side!!!

Plank Hip Touches:
Get into the elbow plank position. Make sure your form is solid so you do not hurt your lower back.
Dip your right hip down to the floor (it does't have to make contact just dip until you can feel it!). Return back to plank and repeat on the other side. You can do this in a quick fluid motion just ensure that you level your hips out after each dip.

Start lying on your back. Place your hands interlocked behind your head and lift your shoulders and ankles off the floor. Bend your right knee and touch your left elbow to it keeping your left leg extended. Swiftly switch and repeat on the other side. Push yourself to do as many as possible to exhaust your abdominals.

This is probably my least favorite exercise. Ever. Start with your hands under your shoulders. Balance on your hands and toes with your legs extended straight back. I balance on my knees since I am still building strength =) Keep your tail tucked and belly button to your back bone to avoid lower back injury. Bend your arms, keeping your body in a straight line, as much as you can before returning to the starting position. 
Yes, that is supposed to be a push-up!
ENJOY this workout! I really love it and I hope that you can discover some new exercises!

What is your favorite exercise? Is there any "go to routine" that you feel gives you great results? Please feel free to share, I love feedback and ideas.

I am telling the truth when I say that I basically only drink water, coffee and alcohol. While water and coffee do not pack a big calorie punch, alcohol is where my dieting fails.

Alcohol is made from carbohydrates – wheat, potatoes, etc. While carbohydrates equate to less calories than fat per gram, it is still difficult to enjoy a drink without ruining your entire day of hard work.

The fourth of July is tomorrow (yay!) and it is hot and humid outside! I had a great week diet wise and didn’t want to ruin all of my progress with a calorie laden margarita that I would purchase at a restaurant. This recipe is a wonderful alternative for those of us who like frozen drinks. Most of the calories in this drink are from the alcohol. I do add sugar and a lemonade which contribute but it is difficult to get around that! This Margarita also utilizes real fruit which ensure that you are not just drinking artificial flavoring but real yummy goodness!

I have listed some substitutions at the bottom as well. Please enjoy and let me know if you have any low calorie drink ideas!!

Get your blender ready!

First at 1 cup frozen strawberries

1/4 Cup Trop50 Lemonade

I hear there is a 5 calorie Lemonade out there, does anyone know what its called?

1/4 Cup Water

You can do less, but more water gives this drink some extra volume which allows me a longer enjoyment!

2 ounces of Tequila

I used Jose Cuervo Silver
Blend all ingredients together. I used the "Ice Crush" setting for about 30 seconds.

After your ingredients are blended well, blend in 1 cup of ice to give your drink a frosty frozen taste!
After the ice is well incorporated and your Margarita is nice and frosty, add 2 teaspoons sugar. Blend about 30-60 seconds, or until sugar is incorporated throughout the whole drink.

This recipe makes 2 Strawberry Margaritas!

See Nutrition Info and modifications below!

Strawberry Margarita's

  • 1 cup Frozen Strawberries
  • 1/4 cup Trop50 Lemonade (or other low calorie drink)
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 2 ounces Tequila
  • 1 cup ice
  • 2 teaspoons Sugar
  1. Combine strawberries, lemonade, water and tequila in blender
  2. Use "Ice Crush" or similar setting for about 1 minute until frozen strawberries are well blended
  3. Add ice and blend again for 30-60 seconds
  4. Taste the Margarita, if desired, add 2 teaspoons of sugar to sweeten the drink
This recipe yields 2 Strawberry Margarita drinks at 115 calories each.


Nutrition Information

Strawberry Margarita's:
Servings: 2
Calories Per Serving: 115
Total Fat: 0
Sodium: 2.1mg
Potassium: 100mg
Total Carbohydrates: 13g
Dietary Fiber: 1g
Sugars: 10g
Protein: 0.5g
Vitamin C: 57.5%
Calcium: 1.1%
Iron: 2%

  • I add sugar because I have a huge sweet tooth and my drink was not sweet enough otherwise. Try the Margarita without the sugar first, if you like the taste, then skip the sugar and save 15 calories per serving!

  • Use Watermelon instead of strawberries! This is mostly for a new flavor but will save a few calories and carbs.

  • You can switch out the juice for any low calorie beverage. I have not tried this version, but you could try mixing a zero calorie flavored water to your drink for the same effect.

  • Decrease alcohol content for fewer calories per drink. OR increase alcohol content for a stronger cocktail.
I would love to hear your low calorie drink recipes! Please share, comment, or request more ides below!

Thanks for stopping by =)
