It was my coworkers birthday last weekend and I can't go without making a special treat! The most wonderful treats are filled with amazing chocolatey flavor. Wanting to skip the extreme calorie laden sweets, I searched for a delicious alternative.
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon
These were a great hit and I was so excited!! They smell positively delicious and are a delicious chocolate flavor. DEFINITELY put these in the fridge!! I made the mistake of leaving them in the cupcake carrier and they got moldy. The Birthday Boy was about 2 days late and I was mortified when my boss picked up a moldy cupcake only 2 days later! That said, don't chance it, stick these in the fridge right away!!!
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon

You will need 2 full cups of strawberry puree. I used about 3.5-4 cups of frozen strawberries. I do not have a fantastic blender so this step took a while!! I used about 1/4-1/3 cup of water to puree the strawberries.

Mash a ripe banana with a fork in the bottom of the bowl. Crack one egg into the bowl with it.
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon

Add the strawberry puree to the egg and banana. Mix these wet ingredients well. I did not picture the water here but that should be included in this step!

*I did not pay attention to directions and forgot to mix wet ingredients first! They still turned out well but do not forget this step for a better consistency =)

After mixing the wet ingredients, pour in the oats, cinnamon, backing powder, and vanilla.
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon

Add cocoa powder, salt, and chocolate chips! Mix the dry ingredients with the wet ingredients well.
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon
My recipe made 24 cupcakes!! Pop them in the oven, they bake for a while - about 35-40 minutes!

I put some strawberry cream cheese on it and it is so good! I got this idea from the original recipe and it is delicious! They are yummy alone but the cream cheese really takes it to the next level.
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins @ fanaticallyfitphenomenon

I revised this recipe from this website!

To the right is the nutrition information for my version:
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins

  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Mashed Banana
  • 2 Cups pureed strawberry
  • 1 1/2 cup water
  • 1 Tsp vanilla extract
  • 4 Cups rolled oats
  • 2 Teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1/2 Cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 2 Teaspoons baking powder
  • Tablespoon sugar (I used only 1 tablespoon but though the muffins could have been a little sweeter!)
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chips

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. Mix wet ingredients including fruit -- egg, banana, strawberry puree, water, and vanilla
  3. Add in dry ingredients -- oats, cinnamon, cocoa powder, baking powder, sugar, and chocolate chips
  4. Use cupcake liners for 24 cupcakes, distribute batter evenly
  5. Bake for 35-40 minutes. Store in the fridge and microwave for 30 seconds, enjoy!!!

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