Today was a nice hot day here! I spent the day lounging at the pool. I can’t really tan but I am hoping to increase my freckles which is the equivalent of tanning for me. At the pool, I get to see a lot of different body types. Some of these people really inspire me and I always find that I gravitate towards those girls who look strong and healthy. There is nothing really that can help exude more self confidence than a strong girl that puts in hard work getting her body at the gym. I hope to be one of those girls one day!!

Strength Training

I used to be convinced that cardio was the only way to go. My opinion is that many people, mostly women, do not view strength training as a priority. For me, cardio was my go to at the gym because I wanted to get my heart rate up and look at the calories tick away – it was satisfying and rewarding when I left. The gym I joined last August gave me 3 free training sessions. The trainer they paired me up with was really absolutely wonderful! She talked to me about some of the benefits of gaining muscle mass and how it can really benefit my health and self image. Her strategy with me was to really relate building muscle to me. I want to take time to look at the facts on why strength training is so great for us!
Before I begin with science, I will share with you some key points she helped me with
  • More muscle mass helps you burn more calories throughout the day (which means you burn more calories even in your sleep!)
  • Defined back and pectoral muscles improve posture (which also makes you look thinner, and who doesn’t want that?)
  • Building muscle in your glutes gives you a great shaped rear
  • Our lower bodies consist of several huge muscle groups. Strengthening your lower body gives you a big bang for you buck – not to mention cardio sessions will become easier and you’ll look awesome in those stilettos ;)
Squats and calf raises can make walking in heels easier!
A huge huge HUGE benefit of strength training is maintenance of a healthy weight. As I stated earlier, higher amounts of muscle mass means your body is utilizing its food source more efficiently. Your BMR, basal metabolic rate, is higher with more muscle mass. Stored fat mass utilizes very few calories that we eat throughout the day. Comparatively, muscle is an active tissue that burns the calories we eat quicker than fat mass would!
  Strength training when you are younger will help preserve muscles as you age. Preserving lean muscle mass allows your body to run at high efficiency. Without pushing limits to utilize and build muscle mass, our bodies get rid of lean weight by turning it into fat mass – not so good!

Take caution as you lose weight. During weight loss, it is normal to lose some muscle mass, which is why strength training is so imperative.
I don't think he has heard of Isometric Strength Training...
You should allow your muscle groups to rest in between sessions. A great strength training session would entail you pushing yourself to finish 12 repetitions of one exercise. About 8-10 different exercised twice a week engaging multiple different muscle groups and an awesome goal to help you see results fast! My advice is to consult a personal trainer to help you determine a set of routines and safe weights to start with. After nailing down the basics, start to increase resistance to feel and see your results.
Follow the link for a great workout
Follow the ling for a great workout
Some less obvious benefits of strength training include better bone density, better sleep, increase mood, increased balance (can I mention stilettos again?!), diabetes management, and decreased risk of heart disease. Bone mass is an especially important issue for women! As women age, they can lose up to 1-2% of total bone mass every year.
With the right diet and exercise, you'll sleep as sound as this puppy =)
I hope this gave some good insight for the facts behind muscle! Get to work on building up that mass and by the next time I post you will burn more calories just by reading!


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